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寶法寺法會通知    二〇二四年五月至十 

2692 Beckman Ave, Irvine, CA 92606

Tel: (949)-752-5738   Fax: (949)-752-6928

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Donation Payable to (捐款支票抬頭): A.L.B.A.

Lunar Calendar
5/8/2024 1/Apr/2024 Wed. (三) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品
Recitation of the Universal Door Chapter of the Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sutra
5/11/2024 4/Apr/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 南無文殊師利菩薩聖誕 (普佛)
Birthday of Birthday of Manjusri Boshisattva (Pay respect and bow to Buddhas)                                                                                                               
5/12/2024 5/Apr/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 南無釋迦牟尼佛聖誕浴佛法會
Buddha Bathing Service - Observarance of Shaykyamuni Buddha's birthday
(Bow to Buddhas)
5/15/2024 8/Apr/2024 Wed. (三) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 南無本師釋迦文佛聖誕日(普佛 )
Observarance of Shaykyamuni Buddha's birthday  (Bow to Buddhas)
5/19/2024 12/Apr/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 大悲懺
Great Compassion Repentance
5/22/2024 15/Apr/2024 Wed. (三) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 楞嚴經二十五圓通章
The Shurangama Sutra Great Bodhisattvas and Shravakas twenty-five ways to obtain the truth chapter
5/24/2024 17/Apr/2024 Fri. (五) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 楞嚴咒20遍(1/2)
Chanting Service of Shurangama Mantra 20 Times (1/2)
5/25/2024 18/Apr/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 楞嚴咒20遍(2/2)
Chanting Service of Shurangama Mantra 20 Times (2/2)
5/26/2024 19/Apr/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 結夏安居開始
念佛共修 (每周日上午)
Chanting Amita Buddha Service
5/28/2024 21/Apr/2024 Tue. (二) 08:30 AM ~ 09:30 AM 泰安老和尚圓寂紀念日
Memory Service of the late Venerable Master Tai An (service of the Conduct and vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter of the Flower Adomment Sutra & Chanting of Flower Adomment Alphabets)
6/2/2024 26/Apr/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 八十八洪名寶懺
Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance Service
6/8/2024 3/May/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 佛說天地八陽神咒經
The Buddha Spoke the Sacred Mantra Sutra of Heaven-Earth Eight-Yang.
6/9/2024 4/May/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 念佛共修
Chanting Amita Buddha Service
6/15/2024 10/May/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 宣化老和尚圓寂紀念日
The Memorial Service of the late Venerable Xuan Hua
6/16/2024 11/May/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 念佛共修
Chanting Amita Buddha Service
6/22/2024 17/May/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 佛說長壽滅罪護諸童子陀羅尼經 
The Buddha Spoke the longevity and sin protection of the Children Dharani Sutra
6/23/2024 18/May/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 念佛共修
Chanting Amita Buddha Service
6/30/2024 25/May/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 念佛共修
Chanting Amita Buddha Service
7/7/2024 2/Jun/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 佛說長壽滅罪護諸童子陀羅尼經 
The Buddha Spoke the longevity and sin protection of the Children Dharani Sutra
7/13/2024 8/Jun/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 佛說天地八陽神咒經
The Buddha Spoke the Sacred Mantra Sutra of Heaven-Earth Eight-Yang.
7/14/2024 9/Jun/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 八十八洪名寶懺
Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance Service
7/16/2024 11/Jun/2024 Tue. (二) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 妙法蓮華經第一卷
Recitation of Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sutra (1/7)
7/17/2024 12/Jun/2024 Wed. (三) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 妙法蓮華經第二卷
Recitation of Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sutra (2/7)
7/18/2024 13/Jun/2024 Thu. (四) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 妙法蓮華經第三卷
Recitation of Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sutra (3/7)
7/19/2024 14/Jun/2024 Fri. (五) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 妙法蓮華經第四卷
Recitation of Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sutra (4/7)
7/21/2024 16/Jun/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 妙法蓮華經第五卷
Recitation of Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sutra (5/7)
7/22/2024 17/Jun/2024 Mon. (一) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 妙法蓮華經第六卷
Recitation of Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sutra (6/7)
7/23/2024 18/Jun/2024 Tue. (二) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 妙法蓮華經第七卷
Recitation of Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sutra (7/7)
7/24/2024 19/Jun/2024 Wed. (三) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 觀音菩薩成道日/ 普佛
Enlightenment Day of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
The 11th Year Memorial Service of the late Venerable Master Jen Yi
7/27/2024 22/Jun/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 金光明經卷一
Golden Light Sutra (1/4)
7/28/2024 23/Jun/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 金光明經卷二
Golden Light Sutra (2/4) 
7/29/2024 24/Jun/2024 Mon. (一) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 金光明經卷三
Golden Light Sutra (3/4)
7/30/2024 25/Jun/2024 Tue. (二) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 金光明經卷四
Golden Light Sutra (4/4)
8/3/2024 29/Jun/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 03:30 PM 梁皇寶懺 (1/8)
Emperor Liang Repentance Service (1/8)
8/4/2024 1/Jul/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 03:30 PM 梁皇寶懺 (2/8)
Emperor Liang Repentance Service (2/8)
8/5/2024 2/Jul/2024 Mon. (一) 08:30 AM ~ 03:30 PM 梁皇寶懺 (3/8)
Emperor Liang Repentance Service (3/8)
8/6/2024 3/Jul/2024 Tue. (二) 08:30 AM ~ 03:30 PM 梁皇寶懺 (4/8)
Emperor Liang Repentance Service (4/8)
8/7/2024 4/Jul/2024 Wed. (三) 08:30 AM ~ 03:30 PM 梁皇寶懺 (5/8)
Emperor Liang Repentance Service (5/8)
8/8/2024 5/Jul/2024 Thu. (四) 08:30 AM ~ 03:30 PM 梁皇寶懺 (6/8)
Emperor Liang Repentance Service (6/8)
8/9/2024 6/Jul/2024 Fri. (五) 08:30 AM ~ 03:30 PM 梁皇寶懺 (7/8)
Emperor Liang Repentance Service (7/8)
8/10/2024 7/Jul/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 03:30 PM 梁皇寶懺 (8/8)
Emperor Liang Repentance Service (8/8)
8/11/2024 8/Jul/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 念佛共修
Chanting Amita Buddha Service
8/16/2024 13/Jul/2024 Fri. (五) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 南無大勢至菩薩聖誕/普佛
Birthday of Mahasthamaprapta (Pay respect and bow to Buddhas)                                                                   
8/17/2024 14/Jul/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 淨修捷要/大迴向
 Chanting-briefing of Amitabha Budhha
8/18/2024 15/Jul/2024 Sun. (日) 08:00 AM ~ 12:00 PM 盂蘭盆法會/佛歡喜日
Ullambana Service (The Buddhist Joy Day)
8/25/2024 22/Jul/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 八十八洪名寶懺
Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance Service
8/27/2024 24/Jul/2024 Tue. (二) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 地藏法會(經)/含持報父母恩咒
Recitation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra
8/28/2024 25/Jul/2024 Wed. (三) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 地藏法會(經)/含持報父母恩咒
Recitation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra
8/29/2024 26/Jul/2024 Thu. (四) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 地藏法會(經)/含持報父母恩咒
Recitation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra
8/30/2024 27/Jul/2024 Fri. (五) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 地藏法會(經)/含持報父母恩咒
Recitation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra
8/31/2024 28/Jul/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 地藏法會(懺)
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Repentance Service 
9/1/2024 29/Jul/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 地藏法會(懺)
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Repentance Service 
9/2/2024 30/Jul/2024 Mon. (一) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 南無地藏菩薩聖誕/普佛
Birthday of  Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva (Pay respect and bow to Buddhas)
9/6/2024 4/Aug/2024 Fri. (五) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 金光明經卷一
Golden Light Sutra (1/4)
9/7/2024 5/Aug/2024 Sat. (六) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 金光明經卷二
Golden Light Sutra (2/4) 
9/8/2024 6/Aug/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 金光明經卷三
Golden Light Sutra (3/4)
9/9/2024 7/Aug/2024 Mon. (一) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM 金光明經卷四
Golden Light Sutra (4/4)
9/15/2024 13/Aug/2024 Sun. (日) 08:00 AM ~ 11:30 AM 齋天法會
Offering to Heavens Service
9/17/2024 15/Aug/2024 Tue. (二) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00AM 楞嚴經二十五圓通章
The Shurangama Sutra Great Bodhisattvas and Shravakas twenty-five ways to obtain the truth chapter
9/22/2024 20/Aug/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 03:30 PM 慈悲三昧水懺
Water Repentance Service
9/29/2024 27/Aug/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00AM 八十八洪名寶懺
Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance Service
10/3/2024 1/Sep/2024 Thu. (四) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00AM 妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品
Recitation of the Universal Door Chapter of the Wondrous Dharma Lotus Sutra
10/6/2024 4/Sep/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00AM 八十八洪名寶懺
Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance Service
10/13/2024 11/Sep/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00AM 大悲懺
Great Compassion Repentance
10/17/2024 15/Sep/2024 Thu. (四) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00AM 楞嚴經二十五圓通章
The Shurangama Sutra Great Bodhisattvas and Shravakas twenty-five ways to obtain the truth chapter
10/20/2024 18/Sep/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00AM 念佛共修
Chanting Amita Buddha Service
10/21/2024 19/Sep/2024 Mon. (一) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00AM 南無觀音菩薩出家日/普佛
Memorial day of the Observance of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva (Pay respect and bow to Buddhas)
10/27/2024 25/Sep/2024 Sun. (日) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00AM 八十八洪名寶懺
Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance Service
10/29/2024 27/Sep/2024 Tue. (二) 12:00 AM ~ 12:00 AM 泰安老和尚冥誕115歲/普賢行願品&華嚴字母
Memorial service for the late Venerable Master Tai An's 115th Birthday (Conduct and vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter of the Flower Adornment Sutra & Chanting of Flower Adornment Alphabets))
10/31/2024 29/Sep/2024 Thu. (四) 08:30 AM ~ 11:00AM 南無藥師佛聖誕/普佛
Birthday of Bhaisajyaguru Buddha  (Pay respect and bow to Buddhas)

Note: Volunteers to assist in the kitchen, library, English translation, cleaning and maintenance, reception and computer are needed in this temple. Please check with the Reception Room for details.


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